Engines / UDS Engines by part number / 01 - Engine [EV_ECM16TDI02103L906023PG 003009] / DPF regeneration CAYB
Mark | Model | Control unit | Diagnostic operation |


Part 1 of the order number 

Control unit 

Diagnostic operation 

Diagnostic procedure
This operation was considered useful 1x.
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- clutch pedal - pedal switch - faultless
- fuel tank contents > XXl
- engine temperature > XX°C
- temperature of exhaust gases > XXX°C
- second mechanic necessary!
- observe the occupation safety rules when taking a test drive with connected diagnostics tester
!!! If the filter is clogged above the maximum value, it is necessary to replace it with a new filter otherwise there is a risk of fire during regeneration! Maximum value = XXg !!!
Check of clogging level of Diesel particulate filter
connect with the control unit XX - engine
Advanced Measured Values
select item in menu:
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - clogging of Diesel particulate filter - calculated value
required value < XXg
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - clogging of Diesel particulate filter - measured value
required value < XXg
TIP! For easier search in the menu, enter the code IDE, ENG or MAS into the "Filter" window
!!! If the filter is clogged above the maximum value, it is necessary to replace it with a new filter otherwise there is a risk of fire during regeneration! Maximum value = XXg !!!
upon achievement of values - continue
do a test drive approx X minutes
- engaged gear (X) or (X)
- engine speed = XXXX rpm - XXXX rpm
do not interrupt driving
Advanced Measured Values
select item in menu:
TIP! For easier search in the menu, enter the code IDE, ENG or MAS into the "Filter" window
IDEXXXXX - engine speed
required value: XXXX-XXXX rpm
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - temperature of exhaust gases - temperature upstream of component: turbo blower required value: >XXX°C
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - temperature of exhaust gases - temperature upstream of component: Diesel Particulate Filter
required value: >XXX°C
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - temperature of exhaust gases - temperature downstream of component: Diesel Particulate Filter
required value: >XX°C
upon achievement of values - continue
XX - Security access
enter value:
XXXXX = function accessible: adaptation
XX - Adaptation
select item in menu: IDEXXXXX - DPF regeneration
TIP! For easier search in the menu, enter the code IDE, ENG or MAS into the "Filter" window
enter value: XX XX
do not interrupt driving
Advanced Measured Values
select item in menu:
TIP! For easier search in the menu, enter the code IDE, ENG or MAS into the "Filter" window
IDEXXXXX - engine speed
required value: XXXX-XXXX rpm
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - temperature of exhaust gases - temperature upstream of component: turbo blower required value: >XXX°C
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - temperature of exhaust gases - temperature upstream of component: Diesel Particulate Filter
required value: >XXX°C
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - temperature of exhaust gases - temperature downstream of component: Diesel Particulate Filter
required value: >XX°C
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - clogging of Diesel particulate filter - calculated value
required value < Xg
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - clogging of Diesel particulate filter - measured value
required value < Xg
do not interrupt driving - if filter clogging is close to Xg
upon achievement of values (IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX < Xg, IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX < Xg) end the test drive
delete error memory
XX - end of communication
- clutch pedal - pedal switch - faultless
- fuel tank contents > XXl
- engine temperature > XX°C
- temperature of exhaust gases > XXX°C
- second mechanic necessary!
- observe the occupation safety rules when taking a test drive with connected diagnostics tester
Check of clogging level of Diesel particulate filter
connect with the control unit XX - engine
Advanced Measured Values
select item in menu:
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - clogging of Diesel particulate filter - calculated value
required value < XXg
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - clogging of Diesel particulate filter - measured value
required value < XXg
TIP! For easier search in the menu, enter the code IDE, ENG or MAS into the "Filter" window
upon achievement of values - continue
do a test drive approx X minutes
- engaged gear (X) or (X)
- engine speed = XXXX rpm - XXXX rpm
do not interrupt driving
Advanced Measured Values
select item in menu:
TIP! For easier search in the menu, enter the code IDE, ENG or MAS into the "Filter" window
IDEXXXXX - engine speed
required value: XXXX-XXXX rpm
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - temperature of exhaust gases - temperature upstream of component: turbo blower required value: >XXX°C
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - temperature of exhaust gases - temperature upstream of component: Diesel Particulate Filter
required value: >XXX°C
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - temperature of exhaust gases - temperature downstream of component: Diesel Particulate Filter
required value: >XX°C
upon achievement of values - continue
XX - Security access
enter value:
XXXXX = function accessible: adaptation
XX - Adaptation
select item in menu: IDEXXXXX - DPF regeneration
TIP! For easier search in the menu, enter the code IDE, ENG or MAS into the "Filter" window
enter value: XX XX
do not interrupt driving
Advanced Measured Values
select item in menu:
TIP! For easier search in the menu, enter the code IDE, ENG or MAS into the "Filter" window
IDEXXXXX - engine speed
required value: XXXX-XXXX rpm
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - temperature of exhaust gases - temperature upstream of component: turbo blower required value: >XXX°C
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - temperature of exhaust gases - temperature upstream of component: Diesel Particulate Filter
required value: >XXX°C
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - temperature of exhaust gases - temperature downstream of component: Diesel Particulate Filter
required value: >XX°C
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - clogging of Diesel particulate filter - calculated value
required value < Xg
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - clogging of Diesel particulate filter - measured value
required value < Xg
do not interrupt driving - if filter clogging is close to Xg
upon achievement of values (IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX < Xg, IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX < Xg) end the test drive
delete error memory
XX - end of communication
You are not logged! System works in DEMO mode only now where numbers are replaced with X characters. For 49 EUR only You will get access into full system. You can pay by credit card or bank transfer. Click BUY button for purchase and You will get login to diagnostic procedures database imediatelly.