Engines / UDS Engines by part number / 01 - Engine [EV_ECM30TDI0118K5997311A 001003] / Test of exhaust gases temperature sensor 1;3;4 (G235; G495;G648)

Mark Model Control unit Diagnostic operation
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Control unit
Diagnostic operation
Diagnostic procedure

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- engine temperature = ambient temperature

connect with the control unit XX - engine

Start the engine

engine speed = idling

wait XXs

Advanced Measured Values

select item in menu:

IDEXXXXX - Exhaust gas temperature sensor X
(temperature upstream of component: turbo blower)
IDEXXXXX - Exhaust gas temperature sensor X
(temperature upstream of component: Diesel Particulate Filter)
IDEXXXXX - Exhaust gas temperature sensor X
(temperature downstream of component: Diesel Particulate Filter)

TIP! For easier search in the menu, enter the code IDE, ENG or MAS into the "Filter" window

increase rpm to XXXX rpm

desired condition:

Exhaust gas temperature sensor X = increasing -
Exhaust gas temperature sensor
X, X = increasing - moderately

temperature of exhaust gases X
> temperature of exhaust gases X > temperature of exhaust gases X

for this test, it is suitable to use graphical representation VagScope

Picture documentation:

if values are not achieved - check component:
- temperature sensor
- wiring: temperature sensor -> control unit
- connector connections

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